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A genome-wide meta-analysis of six type 1 diabetes cohorts identifies multiple associated loci.21980299PMC3183083Journal201110.1371/journal.pgen.1002293T1DGCSecondary Research
A human type 1 diabetes susceptibility locus maps to chromosome 21q22.3.18647951PMC2551699Journal200810.2337/db08-0753T1DGCContributing Study
Analyses of multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the SUMO4/IDDM5 region in affected sib-pair families with type I diabetes.19956095PMC2805821Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.86T1DGCContributing Study
Analysis of 19 genes for association with type I diabetes in the Type I Diabetes Genetics Consortium families.19956106PMC2810493Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.96T1DGCContributing Study
Analysis of 55 autoimmune disease and type II diabetes loci: further confirmation of chromosomes 4q27, 12q13.2 and 12q24.13 as type I diabetes loci, and support for a new locus, 12q13.3-q14.1.19956108PMC2805450Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.98T1DGCContributing Study
Analysis of maternal-offspring HLA compatibility, parent-of-origin and non-inherited maternal effects for the classical HLA loci in type 1 diabetes.19143818PMC2635943Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.01006.xT1DGCContributing Study
Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms identifies major type 1A diabetes locus telomeric of the major histocompatibility complex.18065518Journal200810.2337/db07-0900T1DGCContributing Study
Association analyses of the vitamin D receptor gene in 1654 families with type I diabetes.19956103PMC2805827Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.93T1DGCContributing Study
Association analysis of SNPs in the IL4R locus with type I diabetes.19956098PMC2810494Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.89T1DGCContributing Study
Association of MHC SNP genotype with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes: a modified survival approach.19143821PMC2755510Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.01009.xT1DGCContributing Study
Biobanking, consent, and commercialization in international genetics research: the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium.20693188PMC2917846Journal201010.1177/1740774510373492T1DGCContributing Study
Collection and processing of whole blood for transformation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and extraction of DNA: the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium.20595244PMC2917848Journal201010.1177/1740774510373493T1DGCContributing Study
Concept and design of a genome-wide association genotyping array tailored for transplantation-specific studies26423053PMC4589899Journal201510.1186/s13073-015-0211-xT1DGC20381Secondary Research
Conditional meta-analysis stratifying on detailed HLA genotypes identifies a novel type 1 diabetes locus around TCF19 in the MHC.21076979PMC3020293Journal201110.1007/s00439-010-0908-2T1DGCContributing Study
Confirmation of HLA class II independent type 1 diabetes associations in the major histocompatibility complex including HLA-B and HLA-A.19143813PMC2779837Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.01001.xT1DGCContributing Study
Confirmation of novel type 1 diabetes risk loci in families.22278338PMC3296014Journal201210.1007/s00125-012-2450-3T1DGCContributing Study
Current status and the future for the genetics of type I diabetes.19956094PMC2805458Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.100T1DGCContributing Study
Defining multiple common "completely" conserved major histocompatibility complex SNP haplotypes.19427271PMC3740523Journal200910.1016/j.clim.2009.03.530T1DGCContributing Study
Dense genotyping identifies and localizes multiple common and rare variant association signals in celiac disease.22057235PMC3242065Journal201110.1038/ng.998T1DGCContributing Study
Designing and implementing sample and data collection for an international genetics study: the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium (T1DGC).20603248PMC2917852Journal201010.1177/1740774510373497T1DGCContributing Study
Detection and correction of artefacts in estimation of rare copy number variants and analysis of rare deletions in type 1 diabetes.25424174PMC4381751Journal201410.1093/hmg/ddu581T1DGC20431Secondary Research
Development and Standardization of an Improved Type 1 Diabetes Genetic Risk Score for Use in Newborn Screening and Incident Diagnosis.30655379PMC6341291Journal201910.2337/dc18-1785T1DGC20431Secondary Research
Effect of linkage status of affected sib-pairs on the search for novel type 1 diabetes susceptibility genes in the HLA complex.19143817PMC2753859Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.01005.xT1DGCContributing Study
Evaluation of IL12B as a candidate type I diabetes susceptibility gene using data from the Type I Diabetes Genetics Consortium.19956104PMC2805152Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.94T1DGCContributing Study
Evidence for association of the TCF7 locus with type I diabetes.19956102PMC2804262Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.92T1DGCContributing Study
Evidence of gene-gene interaction and age-at-diagnosis effects in type 1 diabetes.22891215PMC3478521Journal201210.2337/db11-1694T1DGCContributing Study
Fine-mapping, trans-ancestral, and genomic analyses identify causal variants, cells, genes, and drug targets for type 1 diabetes34127860PMC8273124Journal202110.1038/s41588-021-00880-5T1DGC20431Secondary Research
Follow-up of 1715 SNPs from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium genome-wide association study in type I diabetes families.19956107PMC2805462Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.97T1DGCContributing Study
Genetics of type 1 diabetes: what's next?20587799PMC2889752Journal201010.2337/db10-0076T1DGCContributing Study
Genetics of type 1A diabetes.19369670Journal200910.1056/NEJMra0808284T1DGCContributing Study
Genome-wide association analysis of autoantibody positivity in type 1 diabetes cases.21829393PMC3150451Journal201110.1371/journal.pgen.1002216T1DGCContributing Study
Genome-wide scan for linkage to type 1 diabetes in 2,496 multiplex families from the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium.19136655PMC2661598Journal200910.2337/db08-1551T1DGCContributing Study
Germline genetic variants are associated with development of insulin-dependent diabetes in cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors36898736PMC10008335Journal202310.1136/jitc-2022-006570T1DGC20431, 23054, 23168Secondary Research
HLA DPA1, DPB1 alleles and haplotypes contribute to the risk associated with type 1 diabetes: analysis of the type 1 diabetes genetics consortium families.20424227PMC2911060Journal201010.2337/db09-0680T1DGCContributing Study
HLA DR-DQ haplotypes and genotypes and type 1 diabetes risk: analysis of the type 1 diabetes genetics consortium families.18252895PMC4103420Journal200810.2337/db07-1331T1DGCContributing Study
HLA class I and genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes: results from the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium.20798335PMC2963558Journal201010.2337/db10-0699T1DGCContributing Study
HLA genotyping in the international Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium.20595243PMC2917849Journal201010.1177/1740774510373494T1DGCContributing Study
Haplotype-based search for SNPs associated with differential type 1 diabetes risk among chromosomes carrying a specific HLA DRB1-DQA1-DQB1 haplotype.19143810PMC2697815Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.00998.xT1DGCContributing Study
Identification of T1D susceptibility genes within the MHC region by combining protein interaction networks and SNP genotyping data.19143816PMC2755052Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.01004.xT1DGCContributing Study
Identification of novel type 1 diabetes candidate genes by integrating genome-wide association data, protein-protein interactions, and human pancreatic islet gene expression.22344559PMC3314366Journal201210.2337/db11-1263T1DGCContributing Study
Incorporating parental information into family-based association tests.23266418PMC3732025Journal201310.1093/biostatistics/kxs048T1DGC10292, 10293, 10337Secondary Research
Interaction of onset and duration of diabetes on the percent of GAD and IA-2 antibody-positive subjects in the type 1 diabetes genetics consortium database.21330643PMC3064062Journal201110.2337/dc10-1903T1DGCContributing Study
MHC fine mapping of human type 1 diabetes using the T1DGC data.19143815PMC2753855Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.01003.xT1DGCContributing Study
MHC-environment interactions leading to type 1 diabetes: feasibility of an analysis of HLA DR-DQ alleles in relation to manifestation periods and dates of birth.19143820PMC2759302Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.01008.xT1DGCContributing Study
Mating in parents of type 1 diabetes families as a function of the HLA DR-DQ haplotype.19143819PMC2759296Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.01007.xT1DGCContributing Study
Measurement of islet cell antibodies in the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium: efforts to harmonize procedures among the laboratories.20693189PMC2917851Journal201010.1177/1740774510373496T1DGCContributing Study
Meta-analysis of Immunochip data of four autoimmune diseases reveals novel single-disease and cross-phenotype associations30572963PMC6302306Journal201810.1186/s13073-018-0604-8T1DGC20431Secondary Research
Missingness in the T1DGC MHC fine-mapping SNP data: association with HLA genotype and potential influence on genetic association studies.19143822PMC2755067Journal200910.1111/j.1463-1326.2008.01010.xT1DGCContributing Study
Monogenic Causes in the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium Cohort: Low Genetic Risk for Autoimmunity in Case Selection.33538814PMC8118360Journal202110.1210/clinem/dgab056T1DGC21185Secondary Research
No association of the IRS1 and PAX4 genes with type I diabetes.19956100PMC2804261Journal200910.1038/gene.2009.91T1DGCContributing Study