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About the NIDDK Central Repository

In 2003, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) at NIH established the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) as a centralized research resource to increase the impact of current and previously funded NIDDK studies (or clinical studies within NIDDK mission research areas) by making their study generated resources available to the broader scientific community for secondary research. NIDDK-CR enables scientists not involved in the original study to test new hypotheses without the need to collect any new data or biospecimens, and provides the opportunity to pool resources across several studies to increase the power of statistical analyses. In addition, NIDDK-CR links resources to other data types stored in other NIH-supported repositories, such as genotyping data available through the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s (NCBI) database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP), and non-NIH-supported, such as generalist and institutional repositories, making it possible to perform informative and complex biological systems analyses.

NIDDK-CR has two separate, yet integrated contract supported components:

  • NIDDK-CR Biorepository - supported by Precision for Medicine under federal contract 75N94023D00003/75N94023F00001. The NIDDK-CR Biorepository is charged with the receipt of biospecimens collected in many different studies, their storage, and their distribution to approved qualified investigators. Precision for Medicine is located at 8425 Precision Way, Suite M, Frederick, MD 21701

  • NIDDK-CR Data Repository - supported by Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. under federal contract 75N94021D00001/75N94021DF00001. The NIDDK-CR Data Repository is charged with the receipt, archival, maintenance of datasets from different studies, and distribution to approved qualified investigators. In addition, NIDDK-CR Data Repository analyzes stored data in response to inquiries, assists ongoing studies in preparing data for eventual archival, coordinates cross-referencing of multi-modal data housed outside NIDDK-CR for specified studies, and maintains the Resources for Research (R4R) website platform. Booz Allen Hamilton is located at 4747 Bethesda Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814.

NIDDK-CR consists of:

  • An archive of clinical qualitative and quantitative data and associated documentation from select NIDDK-funded studies (and non-funded within NIDDK mission research areas).
  • A collection of biospecimens and an associated inventory database that identifies specimens collected from ongoing and completed clinical studies and links them to the associated clinical data
  • A web portal, Resources for Research (R4R), that contains study-specific information within the NIDDK-CR and a catalog of federated resources outside NIDDK-CR, and supports processes to submit resources or request access to data and biospecimens.

For more information about NIDDK-CR, please reference the Frequently Asked Questions. You may also read publicly available primary manuscripts: PMC3243603 PPMC1481598 PMC4386252 PMC3625049 PMC3959283

Other helpful information:

NIDDK-CR Resource Archival and Sharing Policy

NIDDK-CR Privacy Statement

NIDDK Data Management and Sharing Guidance

Policies for NIDDK-funded clinical cooperative agreements or consortia

Technical inquiries should be sent to: Rebecca M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., Office of the Director, Office of Clinical Research Support, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892,

Operational inquiries should be sent to: Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc, 4747 Bethesda Ave, Bethesda, MD, 20814,