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Lee, William (2024). Acute Liver Failure Study Group: Adult Acute Liver Failure Study (AALF) (Version 2) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from Acute Liver Failure Study Group: Adult Acute Liver Failure Study (AALF) [(Version 2)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The AALF study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the AALF ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the AALF study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the AALF study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 2 (Updated on: Nov 21, 2024)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Available for Request
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General Description

The Acute Liver Failure Study Group (ALFSG) was a clinical research network that collected data and biospecimens from participants with acute liver failure (ALF) and acute liver injury (ALI). ALF is defined as a severe form of acute liver injury characterized by rapid onset over days and weeks in the absence of underlying cirrhosis, leading to abnormal coagulation with prolongation of the prothrombin time (INR ≥ 1.5) in the presence of altered mentation. ALI is defined as a severe acute liver injury with an INR ≥ 2.0 and no encephalopathy (altered mental functioning, drowsiness, or coma). Outcomes vary, but nearly 29% die while another 22% undergo liver transplantation, and the remaining recover fully in general. A unique feature of ALF and ALI is that there are a variety of causes, all of which share similar clinical features (coagulopathy, encephalopathy, susceptibility to infection, and bleeding) regardless of cause. The most frequent causes are acetaminophen overdose, drug-induced liver injury, autoimmune hepatitis, and viral hepatitis B, but less common causes include acute fatty liver of pregnancy, ischemia/shock, Wilson disease, heat stroke, and metastatic cancer.

ALFSG conducted a Multi-Center Trial to Study Adult Acute Liver Failure (AALF) with ALF and ALI participants and those less severe that had coagulopathy but not the threshold of encephalopathy, a pilot study with a subset of AALF participants using rotational thromboelastography as a dynamic measure of coagulation, and a clinical trial with a subset of AALF participants using 13C labeled methacetin breath testing to determine outcomes in ALF patients being considered for transplantation.


The primary objectives were to collect clinical and epidemiological data as well as biospecimens (serum, plasma, urine, tissue, DNA) from participants with ALF, ALI, or those with coagulopathy but did not reach the threshold of encephalopathy.

Outcome Measure

The primary outcome measure was overall survival of participants.

Eligibility Criteria

ALF inclusion criteria:

  • Altered mentation of any degree (encephalopathy)
  • Evidence of moderately severe coagulopathy (INR ≥ 1.5)
  • A presumed acute illness onset of less than 26 weeks
ALF exclusion criteria:
  • Cirrhosis patients
  • Alcohol induced liver failure
  • Known pre-existing chronic liver disease
ALI inclusion criteria:
  • Acetaminophen (APAP) etiology: Acute illness < 2 weeks
  • Non-acetaminophen etiology: Acute illness < 26 weeks
  • INR ≥ 2.0, ALT ≥ 10X ULN, TBili ≥ 3 mg/dL
ALI exclusion criteria:
  • Altered mentation of any degree (encephalopathy)

While the severity of illness did not decline over the course of the study, improvements in outcomes were observed. For example, the numbers requiring listing for transplantation, those receiving transplant, and those dying of ALF all declined during the study period. Participants with acetaminophen toxicity listed for transplantation were more severely ill and less likely to receive a liver transplant than those with any other etiology. Furthermore, participants with acetaminophen overdoses had an outcome by day 4 following admission, emphasizing how rapid deterioration can occur as well as recovery.

Research Area

Liver Disease

Study Type


Study Sites


Study Start Date


Study End Date



Acute Liver Failure


Liver Disease, Acute Liver Failure, Liver Failure, Acute Liver Injury (ALI), Liver Transplant, Acute

NIDDK Division

Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition


Target Population
Adults, Transplant Patients

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
If you need accessible versions of documents, please email your request to

Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use is allowed only for the specified disease(s), disorder(s), condition(s), or research area(s): Acute Liver Failure ; Related Diseases
Non-Public Documents (5)
Non-Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
Datasets (50)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
ALFSG Causality Committee Adjudicated Diagnosis Dataset
ALFSG Causality Committee Adjudicated Diagnosis of the registry enrolled subjects3491sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (41.65 KB)
Patient Enrollment Dataset
Captures patient enrollment data including demographic information3364sas7bdat (2.13 MB); csv (284.64 KB)
Discharge Summary Dataset
Captures discharge summary data3361sas7bdat (576 KB); csv (117.43 KB)
Transplant Dataset
Captures transplant data including immunosuppression, donor graft, and narrative summary3364sas7bdat (1.38 MB); csv (292.91 KB)
ALF-MBT Admission Dataset
Captures admission data for ALF-MBT study76sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (10.45 KB)
Pre-Study Peak Lab Values Dataset
Captures data on lab values prior to the patients' admission to the study2843sas7bdat (704 KB); csv (188.1 KB)
O-Log Dataset
Captures subjects responses to orientation log questions5575sas7bdat (1.13 MB); csv (199.04 KB)
ALF-MBT Administration Dataset
Captures administration data for ALF-MBT study313sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (44.1 KB)
DNA Samples Collection Dataset
Records whether DNA was collected from the patient, collection data, and how many tubes of DNA were collected8045sas7bdat (1.31 MB); csv (445.59 KB)
ALFSG-ROTEM Blood Collection Dataset
Captures blood collection data for ROTEM ancillary study817sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (33.11 KB)
ALF-MBT Adverse Event Dataset
Captures adverse event data for ALF-MBT study68sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (6.42 KB)
EEG Dataset
Captures EEG test results data428sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (6 KB)
ALFSG-ROTEM Admission Dataset
Captures admission data for ROTEM ancillary study199sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (5.72 KB)
ALFSG-ROTEM Transfusion/Infusion Dataset
Captures transfusion/infusion data for ROTEM ancillary study102sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (4.57 KB)
Vital Signs Dataset
Captures vital signs data13170sas7bdat (2.5 MB); csv (632.57 KB)
Loss to Follow-Up Part 3 - Current Medication
Captures loss to follow up data related to current medications (part 3)1415sas7bdat (577 KB); csv (54.99 KB)
13C-Methacetin Breath Test Device Dataset
13C-Methacetin Breath Test device data – an ancillary study of a subset of registry subjects whom provided consent to be in the MBT study243sas7bdat (820 KB); csv (47.99 KB)
Loss to Follow-Up Part 1 - Outcome
Captures loss to follow-up data related to outcomes2718sas7bdat (640 KB); csv (112.13 KB)
ROTEM Ancillary Dataset
Captures ROTEM derived data (extem, intem, fibtem) - ancillary study of a subset of registry subjects whom provided consent to be in the ROTEM study1463sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (55.61 KB)
Diagnosis Dataset
Captures diagnosis data3487sas7bdat (3.02 MB); csv (542.6 KB)
Daily Check-Up Dataset
Captures daily check-up data including treatments, vital signs, ICP monitor information, etc.19951sas7bdat (10.5 MB); csv (2.35 MB)
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) Test Dataset
Captures RBANS test results data1834sas7bdat (640 KB); csv (89.79 KB)
ALI Admission Dataset
Captures data on whether patient has met eligibility criteria, the date of consent/admission, and symptoms at the time of enrollment into the study856sas7bdat (320 KB); csv (52.21 KB)
CDC HRQOL-14 Survey on Health and Well-Being Dataset
Captures health and well-being data using CDC HRQOL-14 survey2031sas7bdat (576 KB); csv (84.46 KB)
Short Term Follow Up Outcome Dataset
Captures short term follow up outcome data178sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (8.02 KB)
Serological Exam Dataset
Captures data on serological exam results3364sas7bdat (1.31 MB); csv (274.1 KB)
Neurological Exam Dataset
Captures neurological symptoms data7865csv (268.21 KB)
Abdomen Ultrasound Dataset
Captures abdomen ultrasound results data3304sas7bdat (320 KB); csv (62.32 KB)
End of Study Dataset
Captures data on patients who ended the study (i.e. died, withdrew consent or completed 12 month follow up visits)2695sas7bdat (640 KB); csv (121.56 KB)
Abdomen CT/MRI Dataset
Captures abdomen CT/MRI results data1303sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (26.67 KB)
SF-36 Health Survey Dataset
Captures data on SF-36 Health Survey results2035sas7bdat (960 KB); csv (146.87 KB)
Neurologic Exam Dataset
Captures neurological symptoms datasas7bdat (1.44 MB)
Biosample Collection Dataset
Captures data for participants who consent to provide biological samples for storage at bio-repositories170697sas7bdat (36.63 MB); csv (6.93 MB)
ALF-MBT Lab Dataset
Captures lab data for ALF-MBT study111sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (8.44 KB)
Acute Rejection Dataset
Captures data on patients who had a transplant and acute rejection1025sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (28.07 KB)
13C-Methacetin Breath Test Primary Manuscript Analysis Dataset
Derived 21-day spontaneous (transplant-free) survival (primary efficacy outcome), the PDR peak, PDR20 and the cumulative PDR (cPDR) for analysis.196sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (11.48 KB)
Outcome Lab Dataset
Captures outcome lab results data5019sas7bdat (1.19 MB); csv (294.99 KB)
Loss to Follow-Up Part 5
Captures loss to follow-up data (part 5)2263sas7bdat (1.31 MB); csv (251.3 KB)
21 Day Status Dataset
The 21 day status of the patient was derived from the other forms for subjects enrolled prior to June 2013 (when this form was added to the database)3364sas7bdat (512 KB); csv (102.12 KB)
Risk Factors and Past Medication Dataset
Captures risk factors and past medication data3364sas7bdat (896 KB); csv (181.27 KB)
Glasgow Coma Scale Dataset
Captures coma grade data using the Glasgow Coma Scale11997sas7bdat (2.38 MB); csv (439.51 KB)
Loss to Follow-Up Part 4 - Substance Abuse
Captures loss to follow-up data related to substance abuse (part 4)2627sas7bdat (640 KB); csv (104.3 KB)
Brain CT/MRI Dataset
Captures brain CT/MRI results data2427sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (34.37 KB)
Liver Biopsy Dataset
Captures liver biopsy findings data995sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (18.64 KB)
ALF Admission Dataset
Captures data on whether patient has met eligibility criteria, the date of consent/admission, and symptoms at the time of enrollment into the study2631sas7bdat (768 KB); csv (159.32 KB)
Loss to Follow-Up Part 2 - Complications
Captures loss to follow-up data related to complications (part 2)3119sas7bdat (2.5 MB); csv (586.95 KB)
Infections Dataset
Captures infections-related data, including culture, organism, antimicrobials used, and hospital course/comments3487sas7bdat (1.88 MB); csv (392.66 KB)
Medical History Dataset
Captures medical history data3364sas7bdat (1.19 MB); csv (288.26 KB)
ALFSG-ROTEM Bleeding/Thrombotic Complication Dataset
Captures bleeding/thrombotic complication data for ROTEM ancillary study30sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (3.06 KB)
Lab Data Dataset
Captures general lab results data19956sas7bdat (9.44 MB); csv (2.4 MB)
Specimens (155,981)
Specimens Table
EBV Transformed Cell Lines8
Liver Tissue2196