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Gassman, Jennifer (2020). Gut Microbiome and p-Inulin in CKD - TarGut CKD Study (TarGut) (Version 1) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from Gut Microbiome and p-Inulin in CKD - TarGut CKD Study (TarGut) [(Version 1)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The TarGut study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the TarGut ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the TarGut study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the TarGut study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 1 (Updated on: Nov 18, 2020)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Available for Request
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General Description

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition in which the kidneys lose function over time. Research has shown that individuals with kidney disease have an altered gut microbiome, the microorganisms that live in the human gastrointestinal tract. This imbalance in the gut microbiome can aid in the progression of CKD. Research also indicates that treatment with prebiotics, special plant fibers that promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the GI tract, can help restore balance in the gut microbiome. However, more understanding is needed regarding variability in the performance and composition of the gut microbiome in individuals with CKD, and how this population can be impacted by interventions with prebiotic supplements.

The Gut Microbiome and p-Inulin in CKD (TarGut) Study was formed to determine if the gut microbiome of patients with CKD could be improved with treatment of p-inulin, a type of prebiotic. After recruitment and enrollment, TarGut participants are evaluated for a period of 28 weeks. This 28-week study period consists of three phases: an 8-week pre-treatment phase, 12-week active treatment phase, and 8-week post-treatment phase. During the active treatment phase participants take the p-inulin supplement daily, but participants don’t receive any intervention during the pre- and post-treatment phases. Biological samples are collected from study participants every week during the 28-week study period and assessed to determine microbial composition and function.


The objective of the TarGut CKD Study is to determine if treatment with p-inulin will improve the gut microbiome in individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease. The study also seeks to identify how the gut microbiome varies in composition and function within and between patients with CKD.

Outcome Measure

Primary Outcome Measures: Stool samples will be evaluated for microbial composition and the variability, within-patient during the no treatment phases and between patients during the treatment phase, will be assessed. Adherence to the study intervention will also be assessed among participants.

Secondary Outcome Measures: Biological samples will be assessed for targeted metabolites and inflammatory markers. Within-patient and within-cohort results from the three study phases will be evaluated.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria: Study participants are age 18 years or older; have eGFR 15.0 to 50.0 ml/min/1.73 m2; albuminuria greater than 300 mg/g creatinine if eGFR is at least 45 ml/min/1.73 m2; and willing to use a highly effective birth control method, for women who are able to become pregnant.

Exclusion Criteria: Individuals are excluded from study participation if they have used pre- or pro-biotics in the past two months; consumed probiotic yogurt in the past two weeks; have cirrhosis or chronic active hepatitis; have inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhea, or C. difficile infection; have or are being treated for periodontal infection; are planning to begin dialysis or receive a kidney transplant within nine months of enrollment; expected survival is less than nine months; are breastfeeding, pregnant, or may become pregnant; have HIV infection, chronic wound infection and osteomyelitis; have been treated with more than 10mg of prednisone for more than a week during the last three months or treated with immunosuppressive medications in the past six months; treated with proton pump inhibitors within the last month; have severe anemia; received antibiotic treatment within the past three to six months; are incarcerated; participating in another intervention study; or are unable to undergo frequent blood sampling.


This study is ongoing.

Research Area

Multidisciplinary Research, Kidney Disease, Digestive Diseases

Study Type


Study Sites


Study Start Date


Study End Date



Chronic Kidney Disease


Chronic Kidney Disease, Hemodialysis, Prebiotics, Fibroblast Growth Factor-23, Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Haplotype, Microorganisms, Gut Microbiome, TarGut CKID

NIDDK Division

Division of Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases


Target Population

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
If you need accessible versions of documents, please email your request to

Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use does not allow cell-line creation
  • Use is allowed for any research purpose
Non-Public Documents (0)
There are currently no non-public documents available
Datasets (52)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
Initiation of Chronic Dialysis or Transplant Dataset
Captures initiation of chronic dialysis or transplant datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (113 B)
Food Frequency Questionnaire Dataset
Captures food frequency data56sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (53.45 KB)
CD14 Data Transmission Dataset
Captures CD14 data transmission datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (100 B)
Concomitant Medications Part A - Microbiome DTL Dataset
Captures concomitant medications data 22sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (2.91 KB)
Hospitalization Events Details DTL Dataset
Captures hospitalization events details data4sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (416 B)
Local Lab Pregnancy Test Results - All Trials Dataset
Captures local lab pregnancy test results data1sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (159 B)
24-Hour Urine Collected and Stored Locally A - Microbiome Dataset
Captures 24-hour urine data39sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (8.69 KB)
Death Codes Dataset
Captures death codes data249sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (10.5 KB)
Study Closeout - Micrbiome Dataset
Captures study closeout data13sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (1.06 KB)
UVMMC Serum Data Tranmission Dataset
Captures UVMMC serum data transmission datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (260 B)
Demographics, Employment, and Income Form - All Trials Dataset
Captures demographics, employment, and medical history data18sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (2.3 KB)
Vascular Access Created/Placed Dataset
Captures vascular access datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (89 B)
Co-Morbidity and Medical History - All Trials Dataset
Captures co-morbidity and medical history data18sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (2.83 KB)
Spot Urine Specimen Collected and Stored Locally A Dataset
Captures spot urine specimen data373sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (82.08 KB)
Symptoms Questionnaire - Microbiome Dataset
Captures symptoms data110sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (18.82 KB)
Shipment of Specimens to U of Penn Mailing - Microbiome Dataset
Captures shipment of specimens data22sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (19.4 KB)
UVMMC Urine Data Transmission Dataset
Captures UVMMC urine data transmission datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (166 B)
IL-22 Data Transmission Dataset
Captures IL-22 data transmission datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (97 B)
Symptoms Questionnaire - Microbiome DTL Dataset
Captures symptoms data25sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (1.81 KB)
Event Information Sent to the DCC Dataset
Captures event information sent to the data coordinating center3sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (572 B)
Hospital Codes Dataset
Captures hospital codes data919sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (50.83 KB)
TNF-RI Dataset
Captures TNF-RI datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (132 B)
Death Notification Dataset
Captures death notification datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (129 B)
CRP and CysC Data Transmission Dataset
Captures CRP and CysC data transmission datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (120 B)
MSD Inflammation Panel Data Transmission Dataset
Captures MSD inflammation panel transmission datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (204 B)
Stool Specimen Collected and Stored Locally A Dataset
Captures stool specimen data374sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (164.52 KB)
U of Penn Lab Receipt of Specimens - Microbiome Dataset
Captures receipt of specimens data8797sas7bdat (3 MB); csv (1.38 MB)
Local Lab CBC Results Dataset
Captures local lab CBC results data72sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (9.56 KB)
LBP Data Transmission Dataset
Captures LBP data transmission datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (98 B)
FGF-23 Data Transmission Dataset
Captures FGF-23 data transmission datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (97 B)
MPO Data Transmission Dataset
Captures MPO data transmission datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (98 B)
Event Review Committee Death Review Dataset
Captures event review committee death review datasas7bdat (256 KB); csv (211 B)
Concomitant Medications Part A - Microbiome Dataset
Captures concomitant medications data 387sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (26.83 KB)
Event Review Committee SAEs that are Not Hospitalizations or Deaths Dataset
Captures event review serious adverse events that are not hospitalizations or deaths datasas7bdat (256 KB); csv (227 B)
Visit/Blood Drawn and Stored Locally A - Microbiome Dataset
Captures visit/blood draw data373sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (206.74 KB)
CKD Microbiome Specs Dataset
Captures chronic kidney disease microbiome specs datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (120 B)
Hospitalization Events Notification Dataset
Captures hospitalization events notification data3sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (315 B)
Concomitant Medications Part B - Microbiome Dataset
Captures oral concomitant medications data 128sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (8.96 KB)
Event Review Commitee Hospitalization Review Dataset
Captures event review committee hospitalization review data3sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (633 B)
Concomitant Medications Part B - Microbiome DTL Dataset
Captures oral concomitant medications data 1166sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (117.29 KB)
Local Lab Serum (Adverse Events) Results - Microbiome Dataset
Captures local lab serum (adverse events) datasas7bdat (128 KB); csv (107 B)
Hospitalization Events Details Dataset
Captures hospitalization events details data3sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (2.55 KB)
Spot Urine Specimen Collected and Stored Locally B Dataset
Captures spot urine specimen data372sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (150.69 KB)
Details of SAEs that are Not Hospitalizations or Deaths Dataset
Captures details of serious adverse events that are not hospitalizations or deathssas7bdat (256 KB); csv (404 B)
Visit/Blood Drawn and Stored Locally B - Microbiome Dataset
Captures visit/blood draw data407sas7bdat (616 KB); csv (362.49 KB)
24-Hour Urine Collected and Stored Locally B - Microbiome Dataset
Captures 24-hour urine data39sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (17.17 KB)
Stool Specimen Collected and Stored Locally B Dataset
Captures stool specimen data368sas7bdat (1.38 MB); csv (266.96 KB)
Packet Dispensing and Counting Form - Microbiome Dataset
Captures packet dispensing and counting data41sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (5.16 KB)
Initial Inulin Packet Dispensing - Microbiome Dataset
Captures initial inulin packet dispensing data14sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (1.21 KB)
IL-17 Data Transmission Dataset
Captures IL-17 data transmission datacsv (98 B); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Screening Form - Microbiome Dataset
Captures screening data18sas7bdat (144 KB); csv (8.64 KB)
Detailed Death Dataset
Captures detailed death datasas7bdat (256 KB); csv (399 B)
Specimens (1,647)
Specimens Table
24 h urine36