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Robinson Cal H., Jeyakumar Nivethika, Luo Bin, Wald Ron, Garg Amit X., Nash Danielle M., McArthur Eric, Greenberg Jason H., Askenazi David, Mammen Cherry, Thabane Lehana, Goldstein Stuart, Parekh Rulan S., Zappitelli Michael, Chanchlani Rahul


AKI is common among hospitalized neonates and children and associated with adverse short- and long-term kidney outcomes. However, data for long-term outcomes of children with episodes of dialysis-treated AKI are limited. Using Ontario provincial health administrative databases, the authors identified 1688 pediatric survivors hospitalized and treated with dialysis for AKI episodes in 1996–2017, and followed them for a median of 9.6 years. Compared with matched hospitalized comparators, AKI survivors were at significantly increased risk of long-term kidney failure or death. The authors also observed significantly higher long-term rates of CKD and hypertension among the dialysis-treated AKI survivors. These findings support enhanced surveillance of kidney function and blood pressure after episodes of severe childhood AKI, with the aim of improving long-term kidney and patient survival.