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Hsu Chi-yuan, Ballard Shawn, Batlle Daniel, Bonventre Joseph V., Böttinger Erwin P., Feldman Harold I., Klein Jon B., Coresh Josef, Eckfeldt John H., Inker Lesley A., Kimmel Paul L., Kusek John W., Liu Kathleen D., Mauer Michael, Mifflin Theodore E., Molitch Mark E., Nelsestuen Gary L., Rebholz Casey M., Rovin Brad H., Sabbisetti Venkata S., Van Eyk Jennifer E., Vasan Ramachandran S., Waikar Sushrut S., Whitehead Krista M., Nelson Robert G.


Significant advances are needed to improve the diagnosis, prognosis, and management of persons with CKD. Discovery of new biomarkers and improvements in currently available biomarkers for CKD hold great promise to achieve these necessary advances. Interest in identification and evaluation of biomarkers for CKD has increased substantially over the past decade. In 2009, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases established the CKD Biomarkers Consortium (, a multidisciplinary, collaborative study group located at over a dozen academic medical centers. The main objective of the consortium was to evaluate new biomarkers for purposes related to CKD in established prospective cohorts, including those enriched for CKD. During the first 5 years of the consortium, many insights into collaborative biomarker research were gained that may be useful to other investigators involved in biomarkers research. These lessons learned are outlined in this Special Feature and include a wide range of issues related to biospecimen collection, storage, and retrieval, and the internal and external quality assessment of laboratories that performed the assays. The authors propose that investigations involving biomarker discovery and validation are greatly enhanced by establishing and following explicit quality control metrics, including the use of blind replicate and proficiency samples, by carefully considering the conditions under which specimens are collected, handled, and stored, and by conducting pilot and feasibility studies when there are concerns about the condition of the specimens or the accuracy or reproducibility of the assays.