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Sobrin Lucia, Susarla Gayatri, Stanwyck Lynn, Rouhana John M., Li Ashley, Pollack Samuela, Igo Robert P., Jensen Richard A., Li Xiaohui, Ng Maggie C.Y., Smith Albert V., Kuo Jane Z., Taylor Kent D., Freedman Barry I., Bowden Donald W., Penman Alan, Chen Ching J., Craig Jamie E., Adler Sharon G., Chew Emily Y., Frances Cotch Mary, Yaspan Brian, Mitchell Paul, Jin Wang Jie, Klein Barbara E.K., Wong Tien Y., Rotter Jerome I., Burdon Kathyrn P., Iyengar Sudha K., Segrè Ayellet V.


To identify functionally related genes associated with diabetic retinopathy (DR) risk using gene set enrichment analyses (GSEA) applied to genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analyses.