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Rhode Island Hospital, 593 Eddy Street, Providence, RI 02903, USA.
Adey D, Alfrey E, Anil Kumar MS, Bolin P Jr, Bostom A, Bostom AG, Bresnahan B, Bunnapradist M, Carpenter MA, Cole E, Conti D, Cosio F, Danovitch G, Fabrega A, FAVORIT Study Investigators, Gallon L, House A, Hunsicker L, Jacques PF, Kasiske B, Kew C, Koch M, Kusek JW, Levey AS, Markell M, Matas A, McKenney JL, Mercier RY, Norman D, Ojo A, Pacheco-Silva A, Pesavento T, Pfeffer MA, Pirsch J, Selhub J, Singh A, Smith S, Vella J, Weir M, Yaqub MS
Bostom AG, Carpenter MA, Hunsicker L, Jacques PF, Kusek JW, Levey AS, McKenney JL, Mercier RY, Pfeffer MA, Selhub J, FAVORIT Study Investigators. Baseline characteristics of participants in the Folic Acid for Vascular Outcome Reduction in Transplantation (FAVORIT) Trial. Am J Kidney Dis 2009 Jan;53(1):121-8. Epub 2008 Nov 20.


Hyperhomocysteinemia may be a modifiable risk factor for the prevention of arteriosclerotic outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Few clinical trials of homocysteine lowering have been conducted in persons with CKD before reaching end-stage renal disease. Kidney transplant recipients are considered individuals with CKD.