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Conference Presentation
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Abel RB, Bass LM, Haber B, Karpen SJ, Kerkar N, Magee JC, Miethke AG, Romero R, Rosenthal P, Schwarz KB, Shneider BL, Sokol RJ, Turmelle YP
Shneider BL, Abel RB, Haber B, Karpen SJ, Magee JC, Romero R, Schwarz KB, Bass LM, Kerkar N, Miethke AG, Rosenthal P, Turmelle YP, Sokol RJ. Cross-sectional multi-center analysis of portal hypertension in 163 children with biliary atresia. Proceedings of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) 61st Annual Meeting; October 29-November 2, 2010; Boston, MA. 2010 Oct.