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Childhood Liver Disease Research Network (ChiLDReN), Goodrich N, Hangartner T, Hertel P, Heubi J, Kamath B, Karpen S, Kerkar N, Loomes K, Magee J, Marker A, Molleston J, Murray K, Rosenthal P, Schwarz K, Sherker A, Shneider B, Sokol R, Spino C, Teckman J, Turmelle Y, Whitington P
Loomes K, Spino C, Goodrich N, Hangartner T, Marker A, Heubi J, Kamath B, Shneider B, Rosenthal P, Hertel P, Karpen S, Kerkar N, Molleston J, Murray K, Schwarz K, Teckman J, Turmelle Y, Whitington P, Sherker A, Magee J, Sokol R, Childhood Liver Disease Research Network (ChiLDReN). DXA Bone Density in Alagille Syndrome Correlates with Fracture History and Degree of Cholestasis. Proceedings of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) 66th Annual Meeting; November 13-17, 2015; San Francisco, CA. 2015 Nov.